Sausage scalding

Demystifying Sausage Scalding: A Guide to Temperature, Texture, and Shelf Life

Sausage scalding, a crucial step in the sausage-making process, involves immersing sausages in hot water to achieve a specific core temperature. This process not only enhances the texture and flavor of sausages but also plays a significant role in their shelf life.

The Science Behind Scalding

Scalding induces protein coagulation, which contributes to the cut resistance and firm texture of sausages. It also serves as a pasteurization or sterilization step, eliminating most or all microorganisms responsible for spoilage.

Tailoring Scalding Parameters

The ideal scalding temperature and duration depend on the desired outcome. Here's a breakdown of key considerations:

1. Core Temperature:
 A core temperature of at least 68°C is recommended for pasteurization, 
while 70°C is preferred for optimal texture. 
For sterilization, a core temperature of 121.1°C is required.

2. Caliber:  
The thickness of the sausage, measured in millimeters, influences the scalding time. 
A 50-caliber sausage, for instance, requires 75 minutes at 76°C or 50 minutes at 80°C.

3. Scalding Method: 
Gentle cooking methods, such as staged brewing, result in superior texture and water retention. In staged brewing, 
the sausage is cooked at 46°C until a core temperature of 32°C,
followed by heating at 76°C to the desired core temperature.

Achieving Extended Shelf Life

Higher scalding temperatures can significantly prolong shelf life:

1. Preserving: 
Heating to a core temperature of 98°C yields canned sausages
with a shelf life of up to 1 year below 10°C.

2. Sterilizing: 
Heating to a core temperature of 121.1°C under pressure in a pressure cooker 
produces fully canned sausages with a shelf life of up to 4 years at 25°C.
Sausage scalding is an essential step in creating high-quality sausages with desirable texture and extended shelf life. By understanding the science behind scalding and carefully selecting the appropriate temperature, time, and method, you can produce sausages that are both delicious and long-lasting.

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