Sunday, November 29, 2020

curing salt difference USA / German cure how to handle Video littleGasth...

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Today we talk about curing and curing salt.

in my opinion there’s a big confusion about using
curing salt, processing meat for Sausage.

More and more people exploring the making of sausages or ham.
There are thousands of curing recipe in on the Web.
You never know who made them or where the came from
Different countries somtime have different codes of using curing salt.
So you should at least know the basics of curing salt mix ratio

I will try to explainThe difference between American
and German curing.

we have the pink salt number one
We forget number two for now because you don’t needed it
to make sausage

the German use pökel Salz, this just means curing salt!

Most of the curing salt a content nitride and salt sometimes like No# nitrate.

let’s start with the American pink salt number one:
this curing salt contents 6.25% of nitrate and 93.75% of Salt

I have to make something clear:
most of my recipes are using grams, so there are in metrics.

 Ok the pink salt numbers:
100 g of American pink salt content 6.25 g nitrite
100 g German curing salt content 0.4 g -0.5 g  nitrit

Here you can see the differents.
The nitrate dose is about 13 times higher
than at the German cure.

The US curing salt number one and number two
a original mend for professional use!

hundred pound of meat 4 ounce of curing salt
number one. + the amount of salt for the right taste.

And for safety reasons it’s colored pink.
So you’re not accidentally use it like regular salt.

The usual homemade recipes
is Only 5 pound of meat

so that means:
0.2 ounces pink salt number one,
+ the amount of salt for the tast.

Metric grams would be 5.66 g pink salt +
41 g of regular salt for 2.26 kg (5 Ib) of meat.

 the use of German curing salt.
This would be 20 g curing salt Per 1000 gram of meat.

 German mix ratio:
Dilute 675 g regular salt
          + 75 g pink curing Number one
That is = 0.463% nitrate

750 grams mix will be enough for 85 pounds of sausage!
You can store dry and in a airtight container.

Now you can measure the 20 g curing mix per 1000 g of meat
to make safe sausage!
You don’t need to add extra salt
20g salt is the right amount for 1000 g of sausage!

It's almost impossible to overdose,
because it wouldn’t taste very salty!
20g pink salt and approx  ca. 260g German curing salt
have the same amount of nitrite

♦️How to Apply cur?

Sausage air dried or cold smoked ,
Require between 18 and 20 g of curing salt.

Dry curing, Like air dried and cold smoked
ham, pork butt etc. between 35 and 40 g German cur, + spices

Wet Cured like ham, prosciutto etc. 70 - 80 g German curing
+ spices per Liter water.

The curing time is depending on the diameter of the meat.

♦️Remember! Never grill, hot smoke or BBQ, Curet Meat.
Curing, always using a closed food grade plastic or
stainless steel container.

Put in a refrigerator at 38 to 40°F ( 4 - 5°C )

♦️If you’re concerned about using the nitrite.

The nitride what was added to the meat
will be converted in a chemical reaction to nitric oxide. =NO

keep in mind this takes time we call it the ripening of the sausage.
This takes at least 1 to 2 days.
During This time the sausage get the typical red color.

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Smoked Wiener little Knockwurst Knackwuerstchen Video Recipe theGeramanS...


 Wiener Recipe:

1000 grams of pork neck
   600 grams of beef
   500 grams of pork back fat
   400 grams of ice snow / ice water

60 grams of German nitrite curing salt,
   3 grams of white pepper ground
1.5 grams of mace ground
1.5 grams of sweet paprica

Meat temperature 30-32 ° F
Grinder disc 2 mm
Cutter slowly add 2/3 of the ice snow
cutter quickly, slowly add the rest of the ice snow, cutter until the temperature rises a few degrees
mix and swipe with your hands until a good bond.
fill in to sheep's casing.
let the sausages dry for 3 hours
Smoke approx. 60 minutes at 140-158 ° F
Cook at 158 ° F for 15 minutes
Cool down quickly in ice water
Let dry, then store in the fridge
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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Knockwurst Bockwurst German Sausage Recipe Video theGermanSausageMaker ...

1000 g pork neck
1000 g of beef
  300 g pork neck fat
  400 g ice water / ice snow
3200 g

Spices :   
Divide by 3.2 for grams per 1000 g of meat
   64  g curing salt
     4  g white pepper
   2.6 g nutmeg
   1.3 g garlic powder

Cool meat down to approx. 0 ° C
then mix in spices
first 5 mm meat grinder disc then 2 mm
If necessary, you can also use a 3 or 4 mm wolf disc twice
mix in ice cream in small portions, work the meat until it is soft and sticky
Use 30 mm pork sausage casings or 26 mm sheep sausage casings or larger.
Let dry overnight, smoking at 70 ° C for 1 - 1.5 hours.
Finally, the smoked sausage is still warm and brewed at 70 ° C for 1 minute per 1mm diameter approx. Cool down in ice water so that the sausages don't get wrinkled.

Guten Appetiet !

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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Gyros Style Sausage German Bratwurst How To Video littleGasthaus theGerm...

Homemade Gyro BBQ Sausage

Gyros spice:
2.5   grams of coriander
2.5   grams of black pepper
1.75 grams of thyme
1      gram  of chilli flakes
2.5   grams of cumin
1.25 grams of marjoram
2.25 grams of oregano
5     grams sweet peppers
0.5  grams of cinnamon
7.5  grams of salt

 Sausage Recipe: 
Wurst/Sausage: approx. 2270 g / 5 Ibs
Gewürze/Spices for 1000 grams meat
Rückenspeck / back fett                800   grams
pork neck                                    1400   grams
Salt                                                   5    grams
Gyros seasoning                               7.5 grams
White pepper                                    1    gram
Stewed onions                                10    grams
3 mm meat grinder disc
Sheep sausage casings 22-24 or larger
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