Saturday, December 18, 2021
meat cheese meatloaf Bratwurst Fleischkäse Recipe Video littleGasthaus T...
Saturday, December 11, 2021
German Street Food Thueringer style Bratwurst Recipe
how to make German Bratwurst Thueringer style.
instructions in the video
1.2 kg pork Shoulder
0.8 kg pork back fat
pork or sheep casing caliber 26 to 28 mm
spices for 2 kg :
44 g regular salt
6 g white pepper ground
2 g Caraway seed ground
1g marjoram
The Thuringian Rostbratwurst is a hearty, spicy bratwurst specialty from Thuringia that can look back on a long culinary tradition. The first documented mention of the Thuringian bratwurst dates back to 1404, when casings for bratwurst were listed in an invoice from the Virgin Monastery in Arnstadt. Since then, the Thuringian bratwurst has found many prominent friends, including Martin Luther and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Thuringian Rostbratwurst is an approximately 15 to 20 cm long, medium-fine grilled sausage in a narrow natural casing with a diameter of around 2 cm. The meat is light pink to light gray and medium-fine. The sausage has a piece weight of around 100 to 120 grams. It is usually sold raw, but sometimes also brewed. The spices used for the Thuringian bratwurst are subject to some regional differences: In eastern Thuringia the sausage has a clear caraway note, whereas in northern Thuringia it has a distinct caraway note Marjoram is the dominant spice
The Thuringian Rostbratwurst is not only a Thuringian national dish, but also a real economic factor. Every year, thousands of visitors make the pilgrimage to the Rostkultur bratwurst festival in Erfurt In addition, the Thuringian Rostbratwurst was classified as a regional specialty by the European Union (EU) in 2003
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Krakauer, kielbasa, smoked Polish sausage
Krakauer, kielbasa, smoked Polish sausage
28/30 mm
Rezept: 5 pound Sausage
Fleisch / Meats
g Rindfleisch / Beef mix with back fett 8 mm Scheibe wolfen / 8mm Grinder
114 g Rückenspeck / back fett mix with beef
568 g Schweinebauch / pork belly 8 mm Scheibe wolfen / 8mm Grinder
568 g Schweineschulter / pork shoulder 8 mm Scheibe wolfen / 8mm Grinder
2,27 g Knoblauchpulver / garlic
1,14 g Koriander / coriander
4,54 g Muskat / nutmeg
4,54 g Paprika (rosenscharf) /paprika powder hot
4,54 g Pfeffer (weiß) / withe pepper
45,42 g Salz (Pökelsalz) / curing salt
g Senfkörner / mustart seed Am Ende dem Brät dazu geben / add at the end mixing
4,54 g Traubenzucker (Dextrose) /suger
Make sure the meat temperature is just about freezing . Grind meat and place in the big bowl for mixing.
Add the spices and mix well, make sure the meat get slightly sticky. keep a low temperature of the meet.
Store in a freezer to cool the meat down. Now fill into Pork casing caliber 28 to 30 mm.
Cook the sausage in light salty water for 30 minutes.
Then smoke at 70°C for 3 hours
If you have any suggestions or improvements, please let me know.
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