Saturday, December 21, 2019

Smoket German Sausage Rauch Enden how to Video littleGasthaus theGermanS...

 Ingredients for 2.5 kg Sausage

1.1 kg pork shoulder,
0.5 kg boneless beef shoulder
0.9 kg fat pork belly
60 grams of curing salt
 5 grams of white pepper ground
 4 grams of cane sugar
 1 gram of coriander
 6 grams of yellow mustard seeds

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

German Bratwurst 100% Pork meat homemade for grilling and BBQ

Bratwurst 100% Pork meat homemade for grilling and BBQ 

 4.4 lbs pork back (2kg)
 3 Ibs pork belly (1,5kg)
    per kg of meat 20 grams of Salt 
 2 grams white Pepper 
 1 gram allspice 
 1 gram Garlic Powder 
 1 tsp Marjoram

 Make sure that the meat is well marbled and spare not with the fat ..and work close to the recipe.This will guarantee a good product.